A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a blogger. These days, I’m a mother, a wife, an academic, a lawyer and an author. My academic specialities are commercial remedies, offshore trusts, legal history, animal law, and contract law. I also write fiction, poetry, non-fiction, textbooks …
If you want to get a sense of my history and background, you can read this piece ‘I don’t dance like the other cats’, about how I finally learned to walk properly in my 40s (after being born with cerebral palsy).
If you want to get a sense of the quirky legal history topics I write about, you can read this piece on whether the late Queen of England owned all the swans (note to King Charles III: I am happy to provide advice on this point).
My initial thought is to share chapters of a new novel I’ve written, ‘The Hidden People’, but I have no doubt that I’ll be drawn into expressing an opinion here and there too. Maybe I will also share some art.